Home : Commands : 3d Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) : 4/3 Battalion : Continental Color Guard


3d U.S. Infantry Regiment

CCG Mission

The United States Army Continental Color Guard’s mission is to showcase the U.S. army’s precision nationally and internationally. With a heritage tracing back to the early days of our nation, the continental Color Guard is the 3d Infantry tradition. Regimental records show that the color sergeants and the drum major of the 3d Infantry Band wore Revolutionary War-style uniforms at Fort Snelling, Minn., in 1922. A contemporary description states that the purpose of the unit was to recall the mind of every member of the 3d Infantry, the long and honorable history of the regiment from a period which followed closely upon the Revolutionary War.

The Continental Color Guard Team serves the same function today. The five-man unit is comprised of two armed Guards and three color ensigns, who carry the National Color, the U.S. Army Color, and the Color of their parent unit, the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment, “The Old Guard.”

The uniforms worn by the Color Team are replicas of the 1784-style infantry uniforms worn by The Old Guard’s predecessor, the First American Regiment. The pattern of the uniform for wear by all Continental Army infantry units was approved by General George Washington in 1782. It consisted of a blue coat faced with a red collar, cuffs and lapels, white buttons and lining, long-fitting overalls, and a black cocked hat with cockade.

The Continental Color Guard displays the Colors in numerous parades and ceremonies throughout the years.

A solemn part of any civic of military function, the presentation of the National Color assumes a special patriotic and historic significance when borne by this “The Nation’s Foremost Color Team.”

The scheduling process to request a performance by the Continental Color Guard at an event must be processed through our headquarters command, The U.S. Army Military District of Washington (MDW). Request Color Guard Assets for a Public Event - MDW HQ

Become a Member

  • Open to all Infantry Private through Staff Sergeant
  • Minimum of 73 inches tall
  • Able to achieve 70% or higher on the APFT (with a minimum 250 cumulative score)
  • Minimum of 18 months remaining in The Old Guard
  • No previous adverse action


Assignment to the United States Army Continental Color Guard (USACCG) is considered an honor. Soldiers assigned to this elite specialty platoon need to be of the highest moral caliber, with an ability to manage their personal and financial requirements. Additionally, it is vitally important that potential candidates are dependable, capable of flawlessly performing under pressure and carry the personal confidence to engage in conversation with the most notable politicians inside the District of Washington. A candidate's attributes will be determined by the USACCG Platoon Sergeant during the candidate interview, prior to receiving authorization to attend the USACCG training cycle. CCG Home Terms and Conditions Request Support

Terms and Conditions

Costs for transportation of personnel and equipment, billeting, and messing with be paid by the sponsoring agency when the ceremony takes place beyond the National Capitol Region; the area under military jurisdiction of the Military District of Washington (MDW). Specific exceptions to this requirement may be granted only by the Commanding General, MDW, e.g., transportation costs when transportation can be positively confirmed and provided by government aircraft.

If any ceremony is to be conducted primarily for the benefit of the government, the government agency requesting/sponsoring the activity will bear all costs except for ground transportation within the area under military jurisdiction of MDW.