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Mission Statement

The SHARP program reinforces the Army's commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual harassment and assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting and accountability.

Our mission is to promote an Army culture and command climate that ensures adherence to the Army Values, ensuring that every team member is always treated with dignity and respect in all circumstances. Every Servicemember, DOD Civilian, and Family member serves and supports the Army, Joint Force, and the Nation, and they deserve a culture free from sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Our services are available 24/7 for Department of the Army Civilians, all branches of service, and their dependents over the age of 18.


Sexual Harassment is conduct that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and deliberate or repeated of-offensive comments or gestures of a sexual nature when—

  • (a) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s job, pay, or career; or

  • (b) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person; or

  • (c) Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment; and

  • (d) Is so severe or pervasive that a reasonable person would perceive, and the complainant does perceive, the environment as hostile or offensive.

*Sexual assault and sexual harassment are not the same, although they are related to each other.


In order to stop sexual harassment, the aggrieved is encouraged to make an informal sexual harassment complaint. Report the inappropriate behavior to your chain of command through your SHARP representative. If you are a civilian, report the behavior immediately to your supervisor, or to the Equal Employment Opportunity office.

If the behavior persists, file a formal sexual harassment complaint through your brigade SHARP representative. If you are a civilian, report the incident to your Equal Employment Opportunity office.


Sexual Assault is defined as intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. The term includes a broad category of sexual offenses consisting of the following specific UCMJ offenses: rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, forcible sodomy (forced oral or anal sex), or attempts to commit these offenses.


1. Get to a safe place. If you are in need of urgent medical attention, call 911. If you are not injured, you still need medical assistance to protect your health.
2. Contact your local SHARP representative or call the following MDW 24/7 Sexual Assault Hotline:

  • Fort Belvoir/Fort Walker at 703-740-7029
  • Fort Meade: 443-845-0876
  • Joint Base Myers/Henderson Hall: 703-217-9940
  • Carlise Barracks Helpline: 717-245-4998
  • Fort Detrick 24/7 Helpline 240-674-2802
  • DoD Safe Helpline: 1-877-995-5247
  • Unable to call toll-free: 202-540-5962
  • Text: 55-247 (inside the U.S.)
  • Text: 202-470-5546 (outside the U.S.)

3. To protect evidence, do not shower, brush your teeth, put on makeup, eat, or drink, or change clothes until advised to do so. You, or your SHARP representative may report the crime to Army or local law enforcement.

*Victims of sexual assault are encouraged to contact law enforcement. The Army has instituted avenues for reporting sexual assault in the form of Restricted and Unrestricted Reporting.


Allows a sexual assault victim to confidentially disclose the details of their assault to specified individuals and receive medical treatment and counseling, without triggering the official investigative process. Sexual assault victims who are sexually assaulted and desire restricted reporting under this policy may only report the assault to the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate (VA), or a Healthcare Provider (HCP). 


Unrestricted Reporting is the military’s preferred reporting method because it provides the widest latitude to help and protect victims of sexual assault. Through the unrestricted option, details of the incident are kept confidential and are only disclosed on a need-to-know basis. An unrestricted report triggers an investigation so that offenders may be held accountable, and the safety of the victim is ensured.


The Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program gives victims of sexual assault making a Restricted Report an opportunity to anonymously disclose suspect information to help the Department of Defense identify repeat offenders. CATCH allows sexual assault victims (Service members and adult dependents) to discover if the suspect in their Restricted Report may have also assaulted another person (a "match" in the CATCH website), and having that knowledge, decide whether to convert their Restricted Report to Unrestricted to initiate an investigation of the serial offender suspect.

Family Advocacy Program

The Family Advocacy Program manages sexual assault allegations when the alleged offender is the partner in context of a spousal relationship, same sex domestic partnership, unmarried intimate partner relationship or military dependents who are 17 years of age and younger.

Domestic Violence Hotlines:
  • 24/7 Crisis Hotline:  703-229-2374

  • Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

  • MDW Lead SARC: 202-685-3074

  • MDW Supervisory SARC: 202-902-4103

Sexual Harrassment/Assault Response and Prevention
24/7 Helplines

Fort Meade:
(443) 845-0876

Fort Belvoir:
(703) 740-7029

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall:
(703) 217-9940

Carlisle Barracks:
 (717) 245-4998

Fort Detrick:
(240) 674-2802

To reach the DoD SafeHelp Line, please call 877-995-5247 or go to www.safehelpline.org