NEWS | Sept. 23, 2024

First Nail Ceremony Celebrates Inaugural Season and Unity of Purpose

By JTF-NCR PAO Staff Joint Task Force-National Capital Region

The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and the Architect of the Capitol officially launched the inaugural season with the time-honored First Nail Ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 18, 2024, a tradition that symbolizes the beginning of the presidential inauguration preparations and occurs on the same date President George Washington laid the first cornerstone for its construction in 1793.     

The ceremony marks a time-honored ritual of hammering the first nails into a wooden plank to start construction of the roughly 500,000 nails that hold the presidential inauguration platform together.  It also serves as a reminder of the important role the military has in ensuring the peaceful transition of power on Jan. 20, 2025.    

"Since 1789 when a military escort and full ceremonial procession including a military contingent of 500 members of the Army, local militia, and Revolutionary War veterans escorted the newly elected president to his swearing-in, military support has played a traditional role in presidential inaugurations," said Maj. Gen. Trevor J. Bredenkamp, Commanding General, Joint Task Force-National Capital Region (JTF-NCR).  

JTF-NCR is the joint service command charged with planning, coordinating and providing U.S. military support to presidential inaugurations. During the upcoming inauguration, approximately 5,000 service members from every branch, including active and reserve components, will provide essential ceremonial and operational support for the 60th Presidential Inauguration.    

"On January 20, the nation and the world will observe the peaceful transition between presidential administrations," said Bredenkamp. "We are honored to continue to support this important event for our Nation and the world. "  

The military plays an instrumental and historical role on the day of the inauguration, adding a touch of grandeur and solemnity to the event. As part of time-honored traditions, The U.S. Army Herald Trumpets will mark the president-elect's arrival on the inaugural platform as they render honors to the incoming president with four Ruffles and Flourishes. “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band will also perform the majestic "Hail to the Chief" upon the swearing in and the Presidential Salute Battery of 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) will also conduct a 21-Gun Salute as part of the honors rendered to the new Commander-in-Chief on Inauguration Day.